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Preparing for your B-BBEE audit the fast way: Using software to achieve efficiency, effectiveness and strategic value

B-BBEE management software offers a faster way to prepare for your B-BBEE audit. After all, with cutting-edge B-BBEE software, many of the labour-intensive and time-consuming compliance processes can be fully automated. 

However, efficiency doesn’t just mean getting the job done in less time. By making the B-BBEE process faster and more efficient, and by providing actionable insights and reliable data, B-BBEE software can help you more effectively optimise your overall B-BBEE strategy. 

Truly understanding your scorecard

Preparing for a B-BBEE audit isn’t just about preparing the documentation for verification. Prior to an audit, you need to understand your scorecard: both where your scorecard stands and how best to make improvements.

Using a tool like the BEE123 Scorecard Calculator, you can calculate your scorecard with ease and efficiency. But it’s only the first step.

Now suppose you want to make interventions to improve your scorecard. Effective scenario planning takes intensive meetings with stakeholders across the organisation, collating tons of paperwork. Or it does without the right digital tools. By contrast, you could use the BEE123 Scenario Planning Tool, which will immediately tell you how any given business decision will affect your scorecard.

Seamless workflow and file management

Say ‘no’ to paper B-BBEE files. Compliance software means you can seamlessly collate all the relevant data digitally. Now, preparing for an audit doesn’t have to involve reams of confusing paper documents that have to be manually processed and collated by multiple parties. 

It’s a safer, more secure way to store your B-BBEE files, too. 

Plus, with effective task management tools, you can be assured that everyone in the organisation can be assigned tasks as applicable. Tracking who has done what, and whether any tasks are outstanding, becomes fast and easy.

The combination of purpose-built digital filing and enhanced workflow makes collating and filing data faster, more efficient and much more accurate.

Preparing for verification, at a click

You’ve done the critical work of analysing your B-BBEE scorecard and intervening to make improvements where needed. The whole team is aligned and you have access to a rich set of data with which to make better-informed business decisions. 

But preparing for your B-BBEE audit isn’t just about achieving your B-BBEE goals. The verification agency wants everything filed correctly, in the specified format. It’s just one more tedious, time-consuming and unavoidable administrative headache. 

This is why a tool like the BEE123 Verification Pack is invaluable. At a click, the tool generates verification spreadsheets fully populated with all the required data. It’s the fastest way to get fully ready for an audit. 

Aligning your B-BBEE scorecard to your business goals

B-BBEE software makes a confusing, tedious, time-consuming, inefficient process clear, fast and efficient. 

That said, any serious B-BBEE programme is likely to encounter complex regulatory issues and raise vital strategic questions. 

That’s why BEE123 provides an integrated B-BBEE solution that ensures you align your B-BBEE programme with your long term strategic business goals. 

Our industry-leading B-BBEE software makes the entire compliance process exponentially more efficient. But we also work closely with every client, harnessing the expertise and experience of our advisory team. We ensure that you get the most out of the technology, delivering B-BBEE initiatives that meet your goals and produce real social impact.

Get in touch with BEE123 to discuss a more impactful, efficient and cost-effective B-BBEE solution for your business. 

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